The Season of Advent begins this Sunday, December 1. Following the 11 AM worship, the Worship & Music Ministry Team will be decorating the sanctuary by setting up the Chrismon Tree and the hanging of the greens; everyone is invited to join in!

Also, this year throughout the Advent and Christmas season the Worship & Music Ministry Team is inviting you to write out a prayer (or several) on the back of a paper ornament. These prayer ornaments will be added weekly to the garland strands encircling the sanctuary. These will be visual reminders of all the people and situations we are praying for; joys and sorrows, thanksgivings and petitions.

As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season kicks into high gear, I hope you will join me in intentionally making time to slow down, give God thanks, lift up those who are suffering and grieving, and make room in our schedules to listen for God. To remember God’s love for you, and God’s love for our neighbors.

God’s peace & hope,

Pastor Jon