Congratulations on Lutheran World Relief’s 75th Anniversary! Initially founded in 1945 as a response to the one in five Lutherans in Europe who were without a home, this ministry has continued to expand through the years to love and serve our neighbors.

Yesterday, October 13th, I received a call from Pastor David Wangaard of Lutheran World Relief to thank University Lutheran for all of our support. Thanks to the many quilters who have sewed quilts – – dozens and dozens every year to help refugees have a blanket for warmth. A quilt that can be fashioned into a carrying container for one’s earthly belongings, and perhaps most important of all, a tangible reminder that they are not forgotten. That as children of God in a horrifying situation people are praying for them and working to help them.

Thanks to everyone who contributes through Lutheran World Relief for the school kits, or health kits, or through financial offerings. I asked Pastor David whether the polarization in our political life, and in the wake of the pandemic, are people still financially supporting the ministry he responded that they have been blessed by the continuing generosity from you and others. In fact, they are “experiencing one of our best giving years of all time.”

Here is a link to their home page for many great stories of how your gifts are helping our neighbors around the globe: . And here’s a ninety second video on their 75th Anniversary:

Thank you for loving and serving our neighbors both locally and globally.

God’s peace & hope,

Pastor Jon

“So let us not grow weary in doing what is right…” Galatians 6:9a