Lutherock, just outside of Newland, NC is truly a majestic place. Crystal clear creeks. Wondrous, fresh mountain air at approximately 4000’ above sea level. And with 750 acres of relatively undeveloped land, plenty of opportunity to hike and not hear another sound made by humans. No cars. No A/C units humming. No weed eaters, lawnmowers or leaf blowers. Just birds singing, water flowing and the wind rustling the leaves in the trees. God’s beautiful and bountiful creation on full display.

In such a setting our Confirmation students get to soak in nature, enjoy a walk in the creek, a hike to a mountain top, and a water slide down slippery rocks into refreshingly cool mountain water. They get to meet new friends from other congregations and develop special bonds with their camp counsellors. They have an opportunity to see their pastor in a new setting – surrounded by their friends laughing, kidding each other and having a good time while leading two hour times of creative teaching. This is all made possible by the generosity and vision of many saints through the past century. We do our part with our offerings that get shared with the SC Synod for ministries we can’t do alone as a congregation – support outdoor camps, seminaries, colleges, group homes, and the list goes on. This year University Lutheran shared a special gift of over $2000 with Lutherock by gifting our 2020 camp registration fees that went unused due to the pandemic.

Thank you for your support of our Confirmation students. Thank you for your support of outdoor camp ministries like Lutherock, Lutheridge and the SC Conference and Retreat Centers. Years ago a study of youth who continued to practice their faith into adulthood cited one week at church camp as one of the five most important indicators. Having five or so adults who loved them (in addition to their parents) was also in the top five. These are two areas where we as a congregation can show our love and support for our youth. Thank you.

God’s peace & hope,

Pastor Jon