“God does not need your good works, but your neighbor does.” Martin Luther
These words of Martin Luther were shared by the leadership of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church with their members as they find themselves at the center of the Coronavirus outbreak in Kirkland, WA. https://www.hslckirkland.org/
As of yet, we in Clemson have not been directly affected by this virus, but members in our congregation and community regularly suffer from colds, the flu and other respiratory illnesses. So, what can we be doing now for our neighbors? Here are a few of my thoughts:
Sharing is great, but please, if you are not feeling well please stay home (self quarantine) and get the needed rest, hydration, nutrition and medicine needed to assist you back to health. If you need help, please contact me or the office as we have plenty of people who live in Anderson, Seneca, Easley, Clemson, Central etc. who can help provide and bring by supplies to aid in your recovery.
Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least two rounds of the “Happy Birthday Song”. (You can substitute your favorite song as long as it lasts 30 seconds.)
Please note, anti-bacterial products kill bacteria but NOT VIRUSES.
In worship this Sunday, we will continue to “Share the Peace” but feel free to make this a verbal greeting with gracious eye to eye contact. The point really is to see one another as beloved children of God seeking peace within the community.
For later this fall please get your flu shot, and when developed, any new vaccines. Renee has been doing this religiously since working for the school district; I’ve only begun in the last few years. This helps bolster our community immunity, aka herd immunity. https://www.vaccines.gov/basics/work/protection
Of course, please be in prayer for the sick, the dying and the bereaved. Please be in prayer for first responders, nurses, doctors and all who work and serve in hospitals, assisted living communities and wherever people are caring for the vulnerable, sick or dying.
God’s peace and hope,
Pastor Jon