Dear Friends, grace & peace to you
This is the view from my new home office. In this photo are numerous meaningful things. The white daffodils in bloom at the bottom are “Thalia”, and they were gifts from Judi Key. The big stump that the squirrel is using for a table is where we had to remove a dead oak tree when we moved in three years ago. Lesson learned: it’s hard to tell if a tree is dead in the middle of winter. (Please note, the sellers & agents were all honest, fair people, we just didn’t notice this.) Beyond the stump is a redbud. It took two years to bloom this nicely, but here it is! The pink azaleas I purchased & planted. On the other side of the natural pathway is another redbud, perhaps it will bloom as nicely next year. Going down the hill is one of my peonies, my first ones ever! To the right are irises, compliments of Judi and Laura & Pastor Chris. Proceeding down the hill is a clump of Winter Jasmine, a gift from Karin Kirby. I met her months ago while retrieving mulch from the Clemson Mulch Pile. She grows and cuts flowers for Alive Wesleyan Church’s various ministries.
So, in this my window to the world I am surrounded by the generosity of a cloud of witnesses! I’m reminded of the beauty of God’s creation and the joy in tending it. It teaches me lessons of patience as shown by how it’s changed since we moved in (this shot is from the street looking up)
As we all adjust to a new way of living during this health crisis, I hope you have some moments where you can refresh your soul. Please contact me at, text or call me at 843-304-5664, or now since I’m on Facebook regularly, via Facebook messenger if you need a listening ear. Or two. God’s peace & hope, Pastor Jon.