We are midway through Holy Week. Looking back on Palm Sunday in person worship, it was great to welcome back Trey & Emily Schumpert and to meet Susan and Vendo in real life. Although we were cut short by the rain, that was only after Eunice Lehmacher and her pup led an impromptu Palm Procession and we were able to sing “All Glory Laud and Honor” (plus a little more). A handful of students remained to receive Holy Communion in the rain, a first for me!
Looking ahead, both our Maundy Thursday service and Good Friday service will be on Facebook Live at 7 PM. For Easter Sunday (with the weather forecasted to be beautiful!) we’ll gather at 6:45 AM at Abundant Blessings Farm, aka the Sanders place, for a sunrise service. This view is from the balcony of their apartment where Renee & I first lived when we arrived in Clemson. Their address is 178 Riggins Bridge Road, Liberty. There is plenty of parking but be prepared for uneven ground that you’ll find in pastures and alongside gravel roads. The views are breathtaking.
At 9 AM we will have a Facebook Live service and then at 11 AM we’ll meet in the upper parking lot at 111 Sloan Street for another in person worship. For the outdoor services please wear a mask, bring your own chair and dress for the weather.
Locally, for a Covid 19 update, the initial numbers released by Clemson University look very positive following spring break https://www.clemson.edu/covid-19/testing/dashboard.html. I’m holding off spiking the ball until the next wastewater numbers are released https://www.clemsoncity.org/PublicSafety/tabid/844/Default.aspx.
Please let me know if you’ve received your vaccinations. As of this writing I’m aware of 109 people from University Lutheran who’ve received at least one vaccination out of approximately 300 people over age 16 on our roster. As of today, March 31, anyone over 16 is now eligible to make an appointment for vaccination. We have plenty of medical personnel in our congregation if you have any questions or need help with scheduling an appointment.
God’s peace & hope,
Pastor Jon