Abi Donhauser

Administrative Assistant
Abigail Donhauser (Abi) began working at University Lutheran Church on February 1, 2019. Abi is a northern transplant who relocated with her family to Clemson from Lee, New Hampshire in the fall of 2016. Before heading south, she worked for 14 years as Parish Administrator at St. George's Episcopal Church in Durham, NH, also a college town. Abi holds a degree in Social Work, as well as Business Administration. Abi handles the secretarial duties and assists with the financial accounting duties for the church.

Pastor Josh Kestner

Parish & Campus Pastor
Josh was a student at Clemson University from 2008–2012, and during those years he spent a lot of time at University Lutheran Church with the Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) group. LCM is a community that continues to offer students a place to be themselves and to figure out who God is calling them to be. After graduating Josh spent a year living in Palestine through the ELCA's Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program, attended Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN, and served as a pastor for two years in Davenport, IA. Josh has been serving as Campus Pastor since 2019. Now he and his wife K.D. Gerwig (along with a dog and two cats) are excited to be back in Clemson. K.D. is a nurse, who also graduated from Clemson. They love spending time outdoors and eating at different local restaurants.