Adult Choir – Helps lead congregational singing and provides anthems and special music to enhance worship services. The adult choir currently sings at the 11 o’clock worship service with the exception of holiday services, where they will sing at both the 8:30 and 11 o’clock services. Rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary from August—June.
Handbell Choir – Provides handbell anthems and special music during worship services every 4 to 6 weeks. Rehearsal are held Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary August—June. Please contact our Bell Choir Director Rebecca Quesada if you have any questions or are interested in playing.
Supporting Musicians – Assist the worship services by accompanying the choirs or performing special music in small ensembles or solos. Opportunities are available for musicians of all disciplines.
Praise Band – Provides contemporary praise and worship music offerings for Sunday services approximately once every two months. Rehearsals are irregular, but usually occur the two or three Wednesday evenings before a performance.
Cantor – Assists in the worship services by chanting the week’s psalm or helping lead the liturgy.
Please contact Judi Key if you are interested in serving in any of the music ministries.