Thank you for seeing the value in offering Continuing Education and for desiring my participation with the larger church at a statewide and national level.
Next week I’ll be participating in my fourth and last intensive to complete the two year Spiritual Director Certificate program through Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. Last year I led a six week Adult Sunday School class on Dreams, material I learned through this program, and I plan on offering other classes and dialogues in the months and years to come. Coincidentally, one of our regular presenters, Dr. Amy Montanez, was a keynote speaker at the SC Synod Assembly last week and I am excited to say she’ll be coming to Clemson next Lent season. Details are still being worked out through Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.
I hope you are enjoying your summer, and hope to greet you in worship whenever you are in town and feeling good.
God’s peace & hope,
Pastor Jon