What a joy to be able to offer drive up communion to thirty eight people this past Sunday. Please mark your calendars for our next distribution October 4 from 10:30 – 11 AM. As this was our first offering, we’d love to hear feedback from you on how we can make this as meaningful as possible without sacrificing our number one goal of doing this safely.
One suggestion which we’ll incorporate next time is having two “stations” – the first will be for general greetings, catching up & prayer requests, then the second will be for the actual distribution. We were so excited to see everyone we kind of combined the two this time!
Although I have been “with” many of you on Zoom gatherings these last six months, there is no substitute for real flesh and blood, even if we have to remain 6’ apart and wearing masks. I think this speaks to the power of the incarnation; of God being incarnated in Jesus the Christ. Instead of waving some wand from the distant heavens, God entered into the fullness of our humanity, the joys and the suffering, the beauty and the ugliness. This God, Emanuel, has promised to be with us always, even to the end of the age. Expressions of this presence are found through God’s living word written in scripture and fulfilled in Jesus. We experience God’s presence through the means of grace, including the sacrament of holy communion, and in the community of saints seeking to love God and love our neighbor. We see the writing of the author of creation through the beauty around us.
In these most difficult days of the pandemic, raging wildfires, threatening hurricanes and flooding, remember God’s promise to be with us. Always. Even to the end of the age.
And if you’d like a listening ear, please contact me at 843-304-5664 or [email protected].
God’s peace & hope,
Pastor Jon