What a joy to celebrate Bharath Kunduru’s baptism this past Sunday! Once more the welcome that is offered through the students of Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM), congregation members involved with LCM, Pastor Josh and the congregation’s overall support of LCM have created space for the Holy Spirit to continue bringing people to faith in Jesus. Thanks also to Bharath’s sponsors Calvin & Linda Schoulties and Cindy & Rick Sanders, each of whom could share with you how their lives are enriched by the students’ presence.
If the weather is good this Sunday (if it’s not raining) at the 11 AM service we’ll celebrate the baptism of Valen Childress and his younger brother Solomon, and officially welcome their parents Brie and Chase as members of University Lutheran. Valen’s baptism and Brie & Chase’s joining the congregation were under discussion right before the pandemic struck; now we’ll have the added blessing of receiving Solomon too!
Along the lines of welcoming one another, our Reconcilingworks core group met last night to discuss how we can continue to expand our invitation and welcome to all people. To affirm that all of us have been created in God’s image and that through Christ we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. Coincidentally, (God-incidentally?) as I checked my email after the meeting I had received an invitation from the Clemson Area African American Museum to a 3 PM meeting this Sunday for input on a “Unity” mural that is being planned. Again, a witness of being a community where all are valued and loved.
Hope to see you this Sunday for worship either online at 9 AM, or weather permitting, 11 AM in the 111 Sloan Street lot. Please wear a mask, bring a chair and dress for the weather.
God’s peace & hope,
Pastor Jon