I was torn between two different topics today so I decided to include them both.

If you did not have an opportunity yesterday to view the National Memorial Service for those who have died of Covid-19 I’d encourage you to do so. Like our Healing Service from last year, it was a time of respite. My mom watched it live and texted me to ask if I was watching too.  I had it recorded but agreed with her observation and reaction that it was beautifully done. Here is one link to the fifteen-minute service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SLJaOalgow&t=498s

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Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15


What do you see? A hollowed-out oak stump? Some red fungi? Although technically correct, you would have missed what our five-year-old granddaughter pointed out to me. Do you not see? Do your eyes not perceive? Why of course, it’s a perfect fairy home. How can one tell? Isn’t it obvious, by the red fairie steps! Ah to see the world again through fresh, imaginative eyes. To dream dreams and see visions. To hope and work for a better world for all.

May God’s peace, justice, and peace be with you always,

Pastor Jon